Areba School students, achieving their dreams by continuing their educational journey… – WATAN

Areba School students, achieving their dreams by continuing their educational journey…

Leaving souls without knowledge or literature… Leaving the sick without medicine or sympathy.

Our team, in cooperation with the Directorate of Education in Hama, conducted a precautionary survey inside the camps, where it found that the Areba camp, which was established by WATAN, needs to establish a school to ensure that students reach their right to obtain formal education.

Accordingly, a school was established consisting of 10 classrooms, and two administration rooms, with utilities and water and sanitation services. The school was also provided with furniture (benches, blackboards, tables, and chairs), in addition to equipping the administrative rooms with the necessary furniture and equipment. This was all done with the aim of providing access to formal education in the target camp through the provision of RHUs.

During and after the COVID-19 response, the project aims to increase the incentives for children and their families to enroll again in the formal education system.

It is noteworthy that the project, since its inception until the end of November, has continued to provide formal education services to 225 students (115 males and 110 females), as well as:

1- Providing the school with masks, sterile materials, detergents, a gas cylinder, and a monthly internet allowance,

2- In cooperation with the medical program in WATAN, and the administration of the Areba camp school, a campaign was carried out to treat the lice disease that spreads among students,

3- Providing salaries and material incentives to 12 workers in the school, between administrators and teachers,

4- Appointing a psychological counsellor in the school to carry out support activities for children,

5- Providing the school with stationary for the school, administration, and teacher,

6- Providing 9 teachers with their records, the most important of which is the preparation book,

7- Providing the school with special school records,

8- Providing the school with safe drinking water on a monthly basis.

The project is expected to achieve the positive results of providing 225 male and female students access to formal education services. And providing services to students and reaching them will contribute to:

1- A decrease in the number of school dropouts.

2- Reducing child labour.

3- Spreading awareness among people and students in the camps, which is reflected in its positive effects on society, and thus the advancement of society with all its components, the most important of which is education.