The health situation inside the camps is getting worse day by day due to the continuing spread of COVID-19. An urgent need to increase hygiene has risen so a large project was launched based on increasing hygiene levels to alleviate the burdens on the people displaced in the camps of Quneitrat, Badalha, Noor Aleppo, Al-Ghufran, Al-Atlal Termanin, Al-Fadl Termanin, Al-Salam Burj Al-Nimra, Karakat, Hass Kawkab, and Abyad with the planned services:
-Supplying sterile water through tanks.
-Solid waste removal.
-Removal of sewage pits
-Solar energy system to operate wells with required equipment.
-Implementation of sewage treatment networks.
-Implementation of water klf networks .
The project was launched at the beginning of this year. The project has till now worked on:
1- Continuing in providing the following services daily: water supply, sewage pits removal, and solid waste removal.
2- Preparation for the selection of contractors for sewage, water networks, and solar energy projects
Based on the latest update since the beginning of implementation until the present time, the number of beneficiaries of these services has reached 11204 individuals (1818 families).
The project will lead to:
1- Improving hygiene and eliminating the flow of water to the streets, which lead to the formation of swamps that spread diseases.
2- Making use of the water coming out of the coagulation pits to irrigate the neighbouring agricultural lands.
3- Reducing the prevalence of diseases in the camps as the causes are being dealt with and alleviating the financial burdens on the displaced.
These services are expected to contribute to:
-Improving hygiene by providing sterile water, removing waste, and reducing the spread of diseases and epidemics.
-Supporting families with low incomes, widows and people with special needs, and alleviating the financial burden on these families.
-Reducing the pressures experienced by the displaced especially during the spread of COVID-19
-Safe disposal of solid waste in the camps
– Supporting the camps’ infrastructure through the maintenance and construction of bathroom blocks, the establishment of a sewage system, and the improvement of roads by paving them which will facilitate the work and movement of the beneficiaries.
-Establishing a sewage network that can be expanded in the future to accommodate for a larger number of beneficiaries.